Contact Login Report

The Contact Login report will provide you with information about contacts who have recently logged into your storefront.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Login to your administration panel

  2. There is a direct link to the Contact Login report from the main admin dashboard


  3. Or navigate to "Reports" in the left hand navigation

  4. Select “Contact Login Report”


Contact Login Report Information

Here’s a quick breakdown about the information provided in each column of the Contact Login report.

Magnifying Glass - Hover over the magnifying glass icon in the first column to view a quick info panel about the contact on that line of the report.

ID - This is the unique contact id assigned to the contact when the contact record was created in your storefront. No two contacts will have the same id.

Cart - If the contact placed items into their cart but did not convert the cart to an order, a link will be provided to load the Abandoned Cart report with the details of the contact’s cart.

Contact - This column provides the contact’s name, and company if it is part of their profile.

Phone - The primary phone number from the contact’s profile.

Email - The email address the contact provided in their profile.

Approx. Login Location - The report will provide a general location from where the login took place based on the users IP address.

Login Time - The time the contact logged in to the storefront.

Recent Order - Provides any data available for the most recent order placed by the contact. If the contact’s most recent order value is blinking it is indicating the contact has not placed an order in over 90 days.

Open Jobs - A green checkmark in this column indicated there is at least one incomplete job for the contact.

Orders - A quick glance at the activity of the contact where the red numerical value represents the number of orders placed by the contact in the last 24 hours, followed by a slashed set of numerical data representing the contact's total orders and total jobs.

Rep - If the contact has a specific sales representative assigned it will be noted here.

Tier - Provides you with the default pricing tier assigned to the contact.

The last column in the report will display the short code designating the storefront to which the contact is assigned (this is usually your storefront, but if the report is generated from a hub with multiple child storefronts, this column provides the admin with more info about to which storefront the contact belongs).